What is going on with ammunition?
During the Covid crisis and the unrest due to BLM, the country saw unprecedented growth in firearms sales. While at the same time, manufacturers were shutting down due to the covid crisis. This has resulted in the ammunition supply chain breaking. Ammunition has been sporadic at all retailers. Those who do receive are either limiting the amount to spread it around or charging ungodly prices. We have seen 1000rds of 9mm selling for $900.00 on the internet.
The manufacturers are back up and running and producing as quickly as they can, but it will take months for things to get back to normal. Here at the range, once we start seeing regular deliveries we will get back to less limitations on purchases.
Understand that as things have changed, prices have increased. We are hearing from suppliers that component prices have increased dramatically and seeing cost double what they were in March will not be uncommon over the coming months.
Thank you all for your patience and support through this trying time. As always let us know if there is anything we can do to make your range experience more enjoyable.
The Range at Lake Norman and The Range at Ballantyne