Intro to Action Pistol

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The best way to prep for Action Pistol

If you are ready to shoot in our Action Pistol course, we require you to take the intro to Action Pistol.  The intro course will allow you to get accustomed to the course and understand all the necessary rules and safety procedures for shooting a running course of fire in an indoor range

Action Pistol is a dynamic discipline within the “Action Pistol” shooting sports. It is a combination of speed and accuracy, weighing more on the accuracy aspect, with speed still playing a major factor in your ability to put up a good score. All shots are fired static (no moving while firing) from a set distance and all the courses of fire are run on par times where all shots must be fired within the set par time i.e. 6 shots in 5 seconds, if you fire a shot after the designated 5 second par time has elapsed, you are penalized. This combination is what makes Action Pistol such a fun, challenging and exciting discipline. Being able to draw a pistol from holster, fire 6 rounds in 5 seconds into a paper plate sized scoring area, is a lot of fun and very challenging.

$31 in advance on line – $35 at the door.


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Tickets will be available on November 3, 2024

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