PCSL-1 Gun

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PCSL is a new league and a very flexible type of shooting competition as far as equipment is concerned.  We run either 1 gun or 2 gun (Pistol & PCC) matches on the Third Thursday of each month.

IMPORTANT: Shooters must register with their details on Practiscore (See link below):


If you do not register and get approved on Practiscore you may not be eligible to shoot the match.

If you have not shot at this range before then please arrive no later than 6pm to sign our waiver and watch the 6-minute safety video. Or watch online and sign the waiver. (click link in lower right of screen)

The Match fee is $30 plus Tax. Prepayment service is not available online.  For more information on PCS League please visit:


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PCSL is a new league and a very flexible type of shooting competition as far as equipment is concerned.  We run either 1 gun or 2 gun (Pistol & PCC) matches on the Third Thursday of each month.

IMPORTANT: Shooters must register with their details on Practiscore (See link below):


If you do not register and get approved on Practiscore you may not be eligible to shoot the match.

If you have not shot at this range before then please arrive no later than 6pm to sign our waiver and watch the 6-minute safety video. Or watch online and sign the waiver. (click link in lower right of screen)

The Match fee is $30 plus Tax. Prepayment service is not available online.  For more information on PCS League please visit:


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